Source code for mdpy.core.topology

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
file :
created time : 2021/09/28
author : Zhenyu Wei
copyright : (C)Copyright 2021-present, mdpy organization

import numpy as np
import cupy as cp
from mdpy.core import Particle
from mdpy.environment import *
from mdpy.error import *
from mdpy.unit import *

[docs]class Topology:
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: self._particles = [] self._num_particles = 0 self._bonds = [] self._num_bonds = 0 self._angles = [] self._num_angles = 0 self._dihedrals = [] self._num_dihedrals = 0 self._impropers = [] self._num_impropers = 0 self._is_joined = False self._masses = [] self._device_masses = [] self._charges = [] self._device_charges = [] self._device_sorted_charges = [] self._excluded_particles = [] self._device_excluded_particles = [] self._device_exclusion_map = [] self._scaled_particles = [] self._device_scaled_particles = []
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<mdpy.core.Toplogy object: %d particles at %x>" % ( self._num_particles, id(self), ) def __str__(self) -> str: return ( "Toplogy with %d particles, %d bonds, %d angles, %d dihedrals, %d impropers" % ( self._num_particles, self._num_bonds, self._num_angles, self._num_dihedrals, self._num_impropers, ) ) def _check_matrix_ids(self, *matrix_ids): for index, matrix_id in enumerate(matrix_ids): if matrix_id >= self._num_particles: raise ParticleConflictError( "Matrix id %d beyonds the range of particles contain in toplogy, " "can not be added as part of topology connection" % matrix_id ) if matrix_id in matrix_ids[index + 1 :]: raise ParticleConflictError( "Particle appears twice in a topology connection" ) def _check_joined(self): if self._is_joined: raise ModifyJoinedTopologyError( "%s has been joined. No change can be made." % self ) def join(self): self._masses = np.zeros([self._num_particles, 1], NUMPY_FLOAT) self._charges = np.zeros([self._num_particles, 1], NUMPY_FLOAT) for index, particle in enumerate(self._particles): self._masses[index, 0] = particle.mass self._charges[index, 0] = particle.charge self._excluded_particles = ( np.ones([self._num_particles, MAX_NUM_EXCLUDED_PARTICLES], NUMPY_INT) * -1 ) self._scaled_particles = ( np.ones([self._num_particles, MAX_NUM_SCALED_PARTICLES], NUMPY_INT) * -1 ) for index, particle in enumerate(self._particles): self._excluded_particles[ index, : particle.num_excluded_particles ] = particle.excluded_particles self._scaled_particles[ index, : particle.num_scaled_particles ] = particle.scaled_particles self._device_masses = cp.array(self._masses, CUPY_FLOAT) self._device_charges = cp.array(self._charges, CUPY_FLOAT) self._device_excluded_particles = cp.array(self._excluded_particles, CUPY_INT) self._device_scaled_particles = cp.array(self._scaled_particles, CUPY_INT) self._is_joined = True def split(self): self._masses = [] self._charges = [] self._excluded_particles = [] self._scaled_particles = [] self._is_joined = False def add_particles(self, particles): self._check_joined() for particle in particles: if not isinstance(particle, Particle): raise TypeError( "mdpy.core.Particle type is excepted, while %s provided" % type(particle) ) # if particle in self._particles: # raise ParticleConflictError('Particle %s is added twice to Toplogy instance' %particle) # particle.change_particle_id(self._num_particles) # Deprecated because this work should be done by modeling software particle.change_matrix_id(self._num_particles) self._particles.append(particle) self._num_particles += 1 def del_particles(self, particles): self._check_joined() particle_list, bond_list, angle_list, dihedral_list, improper_list = ( [], [], [], [], [], ) for index, particle in enumerate(particles): if particle in self._particles: particle_list.append(index) bond_list.extend( [ index for index, bond in enumerate(self._bonds) if particle.matrix_id in bond ] ) angle_list.extend( [ index for index, angle in enumerate(self._angles) if particle.matrix_id in angle ] ) dihedral_list.extend( [ index for index, dihedral in enumerate(self._dihedrals) if particle.matrix_id in dihedral ] ) improper_list.extend( [ index for index, improper in enumerate(self._impropers) if particle.matrix_id in improper ] ) self._particles = [ self._particles[i] for i in set(range(self._num_particles)) ^ set(particle_list) ] self._num_particles = len(self._particles) self._bonds = [ self._bonds[i] for i in set(range(self._num_bonds)) ^ set(bond_list) ] self._num_bonds = len(self._bonds) self._angles = [ self._angles[i] for i in set(range(self._num_angles)) ^ set(angle_list) ] self._num_angles = len(self._angles) self._dihedrals = [ self._dihedrals[i] for i in set(range(self._num_dihedrals)) ^ set(dihedral_list) ] self._num_dihedrals = len(self._dihedrals) self._impropers = [ self._impropers[i] for i in set(range(self._num_impropers)) ^ set(improper_list) ] self._num_impropers = len(self._impropers) def add_bond(self, bond): self._check_joined() num_particles = len(bond) if num_particles != 2: raise GeometryDimError( "Bond should be a matrix id list of 2 Particles, instead of %d" % num_particles ) p1, p2 = bond self._check_matrix_ids(p1, p2) # bond_replica = [p2, p1] # if not bond in self._bonds and not bond_replica in self._bonds: self._bonds.append(bond) self._particles[p1].add_excluded_particle(p2) self._particles[p2].add_excluded_particle(p1) self._num_bonds += 1 def del_bond(self, bond): self._check_joined() num_particles = len(bond) if num_particles != 2: raise GeometryDimError( "Bond should be a matrix id list of 2 Particles, instead of %d" % num_particles ) p1, p2 = bond self._check_matrix_ids(p1, p2) bond_replica = [p2, p1] if bond in self._bonds: self._bonds.remove(bond) self._particles[p1].del_excluded_particle(p2) self._particles[p2].del_excluded_particle(p1) self._num_bonds -= 1 elif bond_replica in self._bonds: self._bonds.remove(bond_replica) self._particles[p1].del_excluded_particle(p2) self._particles[p2].del_excluded_particle(p1) self._num_bonds -= 1 def add_angle(self, angle): self._check_joined() num_particles = len(angle) if num_particles != 3: raise GeometryDimError( "Angle should be a matrix id list of 3 Particles, instead of %d" % num_particles ) p1, p2, p3 = angle self._check_matrix_ids(p1, p2, p3) # angle_replica = [p3, p2, p1] # if not angle in self._angles and not angle_replica in self._angles: self._angles.append(angle) self._particles[p1].add_excluded_particle(p3) self._particles[p3].add_excluded_particle(p1) self._num_angles += 1 def del_angle(self, angle): self._check_joined() num_particles = len(angle) if num_particles != 3: raise GeometryDimError( "Angle should be a matrix id list of 3 Particles, instead of %d" % num_particles ) p1, p2, p3 = angle self._check_matrix_ids(p1, p2, p3) angle_replica = [p3, p2, p1] if angle in self._angles: self._angles.remove(angle) self._particles[p1].del_excluded_particle(p3) self._particles[p3].del_excluded_particle(p1) self._num_angles -= 1 elif angle_replica in self._angles: self._angles.remove(angle_replica) self._particles[p1].del_excluded_particle(p3) self._particles[p3].del_excluded_particle(p1) self._num_angles -= 1 def add_dihedral(self, dihedral, scaling_factor=1): self._check_joined() num_particles = len(dihedral) if num_particles != 4: raise GeometryDimError( "Dihedral should be a matrix id list of 4 Particles, instead of %d" % num_particles ) p1, p2, p3, p4 = dihedral self._check_matrix_ids(p1, p2, p3, p4) # dihedral_replica = [p4, p3, p2, p1] # if not dihedral in self._dihedrals and not dihedral_replica in self._dihedrals: self._dihedrals.append(dihedral) self._particles[p1].add_scaled_particle(p4, scaling_factor) self._particles[p4].add_scaled_particle(p1, scaling_factor) self._num_dihedrals += 1 def del_dihedral(self, dihedral): self._check_joined() num_particles = len(dihedral) if num_particles != 4: raise GeometryDimError( "Dihedral should be a matrix id list of 4 Particles, instead of %d" % num_particles ) p1, p2, p3, p4 = dihedral self._check_matrix_ids(p1, p2, p3, p4) dihedral_replica = [p4, p3, p2, p1] if dihedral in self._dihedrals: self._dihedrals.remove(dihedral) self._particles[p1].del_scaled_particle(p4) self._particles[p4].del_scaled_particle(p1) self._num_dihedrals -= 1 elif dihedral_replica in self._dihedrals: self._dihedrals.remove(dihedral_replica) self._particles[p1].del_scaled_particle(p4) self._particles[p4].del_scaled_particle(p1) self._num_dihedrals -= 1 def add_improper(self, improper): self._check_joined() num_particles = len(improper) if num_particles != 4: raise GeometryDimError( "Improper should be a matrix id list of 4 Particles, instead of %d" % num_particles ) p1, p2, p3, p4 = improper self._check_matrix_ids(p1, p2, p3, p4) # if not improper in self._impropers: self._impropers.append(improper) self._num_impropers += 1 def del_improper(self, improper): self._check_joined() num_particles = len(improper) if num_particles != 4: raise GeometryDimError( "Improper should be a matrix id list of 4 Particles, instead of %d" % num_particles ) p1, p2, p3, p4 = improper self._check_matrix_ids(p1, p2, p3, p4) if improper in self._impropers: self._impropers.remove(improper) self._num_impropers -= 1 @property def masses(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._masses @property def device_masses(self) -> cp.ndarray: return self._device_masses @property def charges(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._charges @property def device_charges(self) -> cp.ndarray: return self._device_charges @property def device_sorted_charges(self) -> cp.ndarray: return self._device_sorted_charges @device_sorted_charges.setter def device_sorted_charges(self, sorted_charges: cp.ndarray): self._device_sorted_charges = sorted_charges @property def excluded_particles(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._excluded_particles @property def device_excluded_particles(self) -> cp.ndarray: return self._device_excluded_particles @property def device_exclusion_map(self) -> cp.ndarray: return self._device_exclusion_map @device_exclusion_map.setter def device_exclusion_map(self, exclusion_map: cp.ndarray): self._device_exclusion_map = exclusion_map @property def scaled_particles(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._scaled_particles @property def device_scaled_particles(self) -> cp.ndarray: return self._device_scaled_particles @property def particles(self) -> list[Particle]: return self._particles @property def num_particles(self) -> int: return self._num_particles @property def bonds(self) -> list: return self._bonds @property def num_bonds(self) -> int: return self._num_bonds @property def angles(self) -> list: return self._angles @property def num_angles(self) -> int: return self._num_angles @property def dihedrals(self) -> list: return self._dihedrals @property def num_dihedrals(self) -> int: return self._num_dihedrals @property def impropers(self) -> list: return self._impropers @property def num_impropers(self) -> int: return self._num_impropers @property def is_joined(self) -> bool: return self._is_joined