Source code for mdpy.unit.quantity

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
file :
created time : 2021/09/28
author : Zhenyu Wei
copyright : (C)Copyright 2021-present, mdpy organization

import numpy as np
import cupy as cp
from copy import deepcopy
from mdpy.unit import Unit, QUANTITY_PRECISION
from mdpy.unit.unit_definition import *
from mdpy.error import *
from mdpy.environment import *

[docs]class Quantity:
[docs] def __init__(self, value, unit: Unit = no_unit) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- value : int, float, array, Quantity the value of quantity unit : Unit the unit of quantity """ if isinstance(value, Quantity): value = value.convert_to(unit) self._value = value.value self._unit = value.unit else: if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): self._value = value.astype(NUMPY_FLOAT) elif isinstance(value, cp.ndarray): self._value = value.get().astype(NUMPY_FLOAT) else: self._value = np.array(value).astype(NUMPY_FLOAT) if self._value.shape == (): self._value = np.array([self._value.item()]).astype(NUMPY_FLOAT) if unit.is_dimension_less(): self._value *= unit.relative_value self._unit = deepcopy(no_unit) else: self._unit = deepcopy(unit)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<Quantity object: %s %s at 0x%x>" % ( self._value * self._unit.relative_value, self._unit.base_dimension, id(self), ) def __str__(self) -> str: return "%s %s" % ( self._value * self._unit.relative_value, self._unit.base_dimension, ) def is_dimension_less(self): """ is_dimension_less judges wether ``self`` is dimensionless Returns ------- bool - True, the quantity is dimensionless - False, the quantity isn't dimensionless """ if self._unit.is_dimension_less(): return True else: return False def convert_to(self, target_unit: Unit): """ convert_to converts ``self`` to the unit of ``target_unit`` Parameters ---------- target_unit : mdpy.Unit the unit defined by mdpy or users Returns ------- mdpy.Quantity Quantity with the same absolute value but new unit Raises ------ ValueError If ``self._unit.base_dimension != target_unit.unit.base_dimension``. E.g ``(10*meter).convert_to(second)`` """ if self._unit.base_dimension != target_unit.base_dimension: raise UnitDimensionMismatchedError( "Quantity in %s can not be converted to %s" % (self._unit.base_dimension, target_unit.base_dimension) ) else: return self / target_unit * target_unit def __getitem__(self, key): return Quantity(self._value[key], self._unit) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, Quantity): self._value[key] = value.convert_to(self._unit).value else: self._value[key] = Quantity(value, self._unit).value def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Quantity): if self._unit == other.unit: return np.isclose(self.value, other.value) elif self._unit.base_dimension == other.unit.base_dimension: diff = self.value - ( other.unit.relative_value / self._unit.relative_value * other.value ) diff = np.abs(diff / self.value) return diff < QUANTITY_PRECISION else: raise UnitDimensionMismatchedError( "Quantity in %s can not be compared with quantity in %s" % (self._unit.base_dimension, other.unit.base_dimension) ) # Value judgement, without relative value like 10*angstrom == 10 elif self.is_dimension_less(): return np.isclose(self.value, other) else: return NotImplementedError( "== between %s and mdpy.unit.Quantity is not implemented" % (type(other)) ) def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: return ~(self == other) # Invert the result def __lt__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Quantity): if self._unit == other.unit: return self._value < other.value elif self._unit.base_dimension == other.unit.base_dimension: return ( self._value < other.unit.relative_value / self._unit.relative_value * other.value ) else: raise UnitDimensionMismatchedError( "Quantity in %s can not be compared with quantity in %s" % (self._unit.base_dimension, other.unit.base_dimension) ) else: return NotImplementedError( "< between %s and mdpy.unit.Quantity is not implemented" % (type(other)) ) def __le__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Quantity): if self._unit == other.unit: return self._value <= other.value elif self._unit.base_dimension == other.unit.base_dimension: return ( self._value <= other.unit.relative_value / self._unit.relative_value * other.value ) else: raise UnitDimensionMismatchedError( "Quantity in %s can not be compared with quantity in %s" % (self._unit.base_dimension, other.unit.base_dimension) ) else: return NotImplementedError( "<= between %s and mdpy.unit.Quantity is not implemented" % (type(other)) ) def __gt__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Quantity): if self._unit == other.unit: return self._value > other.value elif self._unit.base_dimension == other.unit.base_dimension: return ( self._value > other.unit.relative_value / self._unit.relative_value * other.value ) else: raise UnitDimensionMismatchedError( "Quantity in %s can not be compared with quantity in %s" % (self._unit.base_dimension, other.unit.base_dimension) ) else: return NotImplementedError( "> between %s and mdpy.unit.Quantity is not implemented" % (type(other)) ) def __ge__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Quantity): if self._unit == other.unit: return self._value >= other.value elif self._unit.base_dimension == other.unit.base_dimension: return ( self._value >= other.unit.relative_value / self._unit.relative_value * other.value ) else: raise UnitDimensionMismatchedError( "Quantity in %s can not be compared with quantity in %s" % (self._unit.base_dimension, other.unit.base_dimension) ) else: return NotImplementedError( ">= between %s and mdpy.unit.Quantity is not implemented" % (type(other)) ) def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Quantity): return Quantity( self._value + other.value * (other.unit.relative_value / self._unit.relative_value), self._unit + other.unit, # Test wether the base dimension is same Or the dimension will be changed in the next step ) else: return NotImplementedError( "+ between %s and mdpy.unit.Quantity is not implemented" % (type(other)) ) __iadd__ = __add__ __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Quantity): return Quantity( self._value - other.value * (other.unit.relative_value / self._unit.relative_value), self._unit - other.unit, # Test wether the base dimension is same Or the dimension will be changed in the next step ) else: return NotImplementedError( "- between %s and mdpy.unit.Quantity is not implemented" % (type(other)) ) __isub__ = __sub__ def __rsub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Quantity): return Quantity( other.value - self._value * (self._unit.relative_value / other.unit.relative_value), other.unit - self._unit, ) else: return NotImplementedError( "- between mdpy.unit.Quantity and %s is not implemented" % (type(other)) ) def __neg__(self): return Quantity(-self._value, self._unit) def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Quantity): return Quantity(self._value * other.value, self._unit * other.unit) elif isinstance(other, Unit): return Quantity(self._value, self._unit * other) else: return NotImplementedError( "* between %s and mdpy.unit.Quantity is not implemented" % (type(other)) ) __imul__ = __mul__ __rmul__ = __mul__ def __truediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Quantity): return Quantity(self._value / other.value, self._unit / other.unit) elif isinstance(other, Unit): return Quantity(self._value, self._unit / other) else: return NotImplementedError( "/ between %s and mdpy.unit.Quantity is not implemented" % (type(other)) ) __itruediv__ = __truediv__ def __rtruediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Quantity): return Quantity(other.value / self._value, other.unit / self._unit) elif isinstance(other, Unit): return Quantity(1 / self._value, other / self._unit) else: return NotImplementedError( "-/between mdpy.unit.Quantity and %s is not implemented" % (type(other)) ) def __pow__(self, value): try: len(value) except: return Quantity(self._value**value, self._unit**value) raise ValueError("The power term should be a single number") def sqrt(self): """ sqrt returns square root of Quantity Returns ------- Unit square root of ``self`` """ return Quantity(np.sqrt(self._value), self._unit.sqrt()) def sum(self, *keys): return Quantity(np.sum(self._value, *keys), self.unit) def __abs__(self): return Quantity(abs(self._value), self._unit) @property def value(self): self._value = self._value.astype(NUMPY_FLOAT) if self._value.size == 1: return self._value.flatten()[0] return self._value @property def unit(self): return self._unit @value.setter def value(self, val): self._value = np.array(val).astype(NUMPY_FLOAT)